Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Win a Bike of a Lifetime!

Ok people here is your chance to win and win big! What we have here is a Dime City Cycles 2013 Triumph Cafe. With the help from many people, people such as https://www.facebook.com/NealeBaylyRides?ref=stream&hc_location=stream , the people from BMW and so many others. Here is how to win... http://ironandair.com/triumphgiveaway Now with that out the way... I am too damn old and broken down to even think about getting on this fine Red Scoot (red is for racing), this is what I will do if I am the lucky winner. Sale it! Give all the funds back to the cause, in order to help. I will need help doing this being that cancer has beat me like a wet rag, as well as taken my voice, and done many other things to me that I will have to seek help in donating this fine scoot to the highest bid.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Some gave all. May you be blessed for your sacrifice.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cancer Sucks!!!

Well its been over 2 years sends I had my throat cut ear to ear. I can not swallow still well enough to eat a meal. I have had two surgerys to correct this, last one was 6 days ago. Its harder to swallow now than it was before the surgery. Also its much harder to talk then it was before the surgery. I do get to ride my Rattle when weather and body allows me. So far this year I have spent $10 in gas. The R50X has a hole in the piston the size of my little finger, I think the push rod broke, I will find out when I brake it down im sure, when ever that will be. My health and enability to eat food as well as the medications I have to take I get to do little. Just the daily things takes so much of my time to get done I have little time left for anything else. My weight is down to 140lbs. I'm ether too weak, sick, sore, or some other reason that involes my health keeps me from doing much at all. My oldest son brings me to Goldsboro NC and within 2 months has just dropped me like a hot tat'o... His woman has to control her world and everything that is in her world to the point it was not going to work out with her demanding I do it her way. Have not seen my son sends Feb. 2013 over 3 months now. Its hard to understand why my son would bring me here in the bad health that I am in and just leave me. I can not make a phone call for help. If I had to have to call 911 all I would be able to do is ring a bell over and over till someone tracks the call on the cell phone. I am working on moving back to the Charlotte area, being that I have no one that I know here. Not being able to talk, people just dont walk up to you and try to help ether. Ya I'll meet someone from time to time that wants to help but has no idea how to help. Help I need is get me back closer to my daughter Siby so she can help me. I need help in so many area's, such as going to the store, or in a store with me. As well as make phone calls and the many other things she has done over the pass 3 years. One of the reason that I moved here was Matt and Dana said they would take care of me, which is a lie, and to give Siby a brake from taking care of me for so long. Anyway I push on. I try hard. But after this last surgery that was to help me swallow better and talk better failed. Maybe with more time it will get better but I just do not think it will. I will keep the faith but the hope is starting to fade away like in a sunset.