Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Win a Bike of a Lifetime!

Ok people here is your chance to win and win big! What we have here is a Dime City Cycles 2013 Triumph Cafe. With the help from many people, people such as https://www.facebook.com/NealeBaylyRides?ref=stream&hc_location=stream , the people from BMW and so many others. Here is how to win... http://ironandair.com/triumphgiveaway Now with that out the way... I am too damn old and broken down to even think about getting on this fine Red Scoot (red is for racing), this is what I will do if I am the lucky winner. Sale it! Give all the funds back to the cause, in order to help. I will need help doing this being that cancer has beat me like a wet rag, as well as taken my voice, and done many other things to me that I will have to seek help in donating this fine scoot to the highest bid.